Time Pressures Encourage High Blood Pressure

Tick tock… modern life means that most of us are ruled by the clock.

School runs, meetings, deadlines, commitments. Most people fill their day from start to end.

Aside from the obvious blood pressure raising stress of being under chronic time pressure, our modern lifestyles mean we most of us just don’t take the time to exercise or prepare healthy meals.

In fact, a recent study of over 112,000 Americans confirms that we spend less than an hour each day on exercise and food preparation combined.

Worse, the study found that a ten minute increase in the time spent preparing food led to a ten minute reduction in exercise that day.

In other words, we tend to trade one healthy act for another, just to squeeze everything in.

The problem is that some of the key lifestyle factors leading to high blood pressure include being overweight, eating too much salt, stress and lack of exercise.

So trading food preparation time for exercise can mean we either turn to pre-packaged meals and sauces that are high in sugar, salt and fat or we do less stress relieving exercise just to fit in all the things we have to do on an average day.

Ok, so time may be a precious resource, but what is more important than your health?