Eggs may help lower blood pressure

The humble egg has been on ‘death row’ for years – with claims that it clogs arteries and raises cholesterol levels. And who can forget Edwina Currie’s infamous salmonella comments.

But new research from the Jilin University in China has comprehensively debunked the claims that eggs are bad for the heart and the circulatory system.

Their research has found that eggs are packed with nutrients and proteins. What’s more, they found that one of the key components of egg whites – a peptide – can be just as powerful as medication in reducing blood pressure.

The researchers presented their work at the American Chemical Society‘s national meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, at which they reported the peptide appeared to work in the same way as ACE (Angiotensin-Converting-Enzyme) inhibitors such as Captopril.

They said the 50mg of the RVPSL peptide appeared to have the same affect as 10mg of Captopril.

These findings back up a recent study from the University of Alberta in Canada, which revealed that proteins in eggs can prevent the narrowing of blood vessels in the body, while researchers at the University of Missouri discovered that eggs are the best way to control appetite.

Common sense is still needed, however, as the blood pressure lowering effects of egg may be outweighed if it is served as part of a cheese smothered bacon omelette!