Even slightly higher levels of blood pressure can increase stroke risk

Recent research has shown that high blood pressure that’s only slightly above normal can significantly increase the risk of stroke.

Researchers analyzed data from 12 studies with a total of 518,520 participants and looked at the stroke risk from even slightly elevated blood pressure, known as prehypertension. The research was published online this Wednesday in the journal Neurology.

The study revealed that even slightly higher levels of high blood pressure i.e. over 120 systolic and over 80 diastolic can have a 50% increased risk of a stroke compared with people with normal blood pressure, even after taking consideration of obesity, diabetes, smoking and age.

This research is significant because high blood pressure is usually associated with the over 65’s however what this shows is that even people with prehypertension need to be taking notice.

The causes of High blood pressure are often quoted as obesity, diabetes, smoking and age. However our Hypnotension™ programme shows that there are many other factors such as stress, guilt, lack of control and many others that play a significant part in maintaining high blood pressure.