Hypnotension Celebrates a Year of Helping Individuals Battle High Blood Pressure Naturally

Hypnotension celebrates its one year anniversary on November 19th, 2012 and millions around the world with Hypertension can benefit because co-founders Paul Howard and Rob Woodgate and their team decided to develop the Hypnotension Programme.

According to Paul Howard, the whole team have been overwhelmed by the phenomenal feedback they have received from those who are delivering and benefitting from the programme.

During Hypnotension’s first year, they have trained 369 practitioners, over one new hypnotension practitioner to help those suffering from high blood pressure each and every day. This network of hypnotension practitioners has spread out across the UK, bringing the powerful message of treating high blood pressure naturally. With one year under their belt, the Hypnotension team are now actively rolling out the Hypnotension training program in the US, Canada, South Africa and Europe.

In just one year, the Hypnotension team has been able to provide effective treatments for hypertension and the effects of this treatment are already being felt. Studies are being conducted to measure the effects of the Hypnotension Programme and how it is helping people with high blood pressure. Many of those who have completed the Hypnotension Programme have seen dramatic improvements.

Paul Howard advises people with Hypertension that there are serious side effects of the Hypnotension Programme. These include weight loss, relaxation, lower levels of stress, the calm that comes with improved health and of course the satisfaction of knowing that they can take control of their own lives and do something about their high blood pressure.

Many people are turning to programs like Hypnotension to make positive lifestyle changes. The Hypnotension programme is the result of over 10 years of research and work with hypertension and was developed for those with high blood pressure. Hypnotension practitioners work closely with clients to determine their individual needs and then develop a specialised treatment for those clients that provide an effective method of controlling high blood pressure.

The Hypnotension Programme is a fresh new look at the treatment of hypertension and after just one year, they have a made a positive difference in the lives of many people suffering from high blood pressure. Those who want to learn more can visit the Hypnotension website to find a Hypnotension practitioner near them.