Hypnotension comes to Salisbury, Wiltshire

7f0c51d7e135feaf2ddc859168d09946?s=150&d=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hypnotension.com%2Fcms%2Fwp content%2Fthemes%2Fhypnotension 2016%2Fimages%2Fheartlogo - Hypnotension™Congratulations to Nicolette Pinkney, who qualified today as a Certified Hypnotension Practitioner

Nicolette will be serving clients with high blood pressure (Hypertension) from her practice, Inspiring Changes in Whiteparish, near Romsey, Hampshire, and also from The Practice Rooms in Salisbury, Wiltshire, UK.

Nicolette has a Diploma in Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy and Solution-Focused Counselling together with extensive further training within these fields. Hypnotension is the latest qualification she now adds to her expertise.

For many years Nicolette has been helping her clients with a variety of issues and problems and is now keen to also help those with hypertension. She says “Until recently, there has been little to offer those with hypertension, aside from the medications prescribed by GPs and advice on changing lifestyles for the better. Now, with Hypnotension, people can start to take control of their blood pressure. As therapists we can help them identify areas in their life which may be contributing to raised blood pressure levels, whether it be emotionally, physically or mentally and more importantly, help them make the necessary changes to bring their blood pressure back down to healthy levels. This can be done safely through the use of hypnotherapy in conjunction with the clients continued professional medical care.”

“With the additional hypnotherapeutic techniques I have now acquired, I believe I can greatly assist those with hypertension, by providing them with therapy that is specific to each individual and the issues affecting their life. Every session is tailor-made since no two people are alike. It is my belief that this, together with the education and support I can offer, will help many improve their health and wellbeing, in turn leading to a relaxed, happier and more fulfilling future.”

The Hypnotension™ Programme looks at a variety of lifestyle factors to establish which is likely to be causing or maintaining high blood pressure (Hypertension). These lifestyle factors are then targeted using specific cognitive and hypnotherapeutic techniques to help reduce the clients blood pressure towards more normal levels.