What is normal blood pressure?

There is a lot of confusion about what is average and what is normal blood pressure, and a recent poll we conducted found that 87% of people thought a blood pressure reading of 120/80 was normal.

The confusion, it seems, comes from the difference between normal blood pressure and average blood pressure.

Let me explain…

If you were to take the blood pressure of every single person in the world, the average blood pressure would be 120/80.

But this global average is certainly not normal blood pressure. In fact, a blood pressure of 120/80 is medically defined as ‘pre-hypertensive’.

In medical terms, this means you are on your way to having high blood pressure. It’s when you start to have a measurable risk of dying from a cardio-vascular event such as a heart attack or stroke.

‘Average’ and Normal blood pressure are not the same!

In fact, normal blood pressure is defined as a blood pressure reading of around 115/75. At this normal level, there is no appreciable risk to health.

Its important to remember, however, that your blood pressure can fluctuate throughout the day. It can also temporarily spike when your blood pressure reading is being taken by a medical professional (something known as “white coat hypertension”).

That’s why it is recommended that you check your own blood pressure frequently, and “know your numbers”. It’s why you also need to take a number of blood pressure readings over time to be confident of your usual blood pressure.

Higher than normal blood pressure readings can be the result of many lifestyle factors, including your weight, how much alcohol you drink, how much salt you eat and the stresses you face in your life.

In some cases, high blood pressure can also be due to diseases, such as kidney disorders and certain hormone imbalances, so if you have consistently higher than normal blood pressure, its important to seek medical advice as well as looking at your lifestyle.

There are many things you can do to reduce high blood pressure naturally, and if you need any help to get your blood pressure moving back towards normal, our network of specially trained Hypnotension Practitioners will be more than happy to help.