Why a blood pressure check could save your life

According to the World Health Organisation, Hypertension (high blood pressure) causes up to a quarter of all deaths worldwide and affects around one in three people. That’s over 16 Million people in the UK, and 50 million people in the USA.

High blood pressure causes 25% of all deaths worldwide …

Worryingly, around half of people are unaware that they have high blood pressure, which is why the creators of the Hypnotension programme are urging people to get their blood pressure checked as part of the Blood Pressure Association’s annual ‘Know Your Numbers’ awareness week, 12-18th September.

High Blood Pressure is known as ‘The Silent Killer’ because it is often symptomless and people often don’t realise they have it until it is too late.

Hypnotension co-creator, Rob Woodgate says, “Knowing your blood pressure figures is as important as knowing your weight, and catching a rising blood pressure trend early could save your life.”

He adds, “Over 90% of cases of Hypertension have no underlying medical cause, and can be prevented and even reversed with a few simple lifestyle changes.”

… but 50% of people are unaware they have it.

Clinical guidelines define a blood pressure reading consistently around 115/75 as ‘ideal’, and hypertension is a blood pressure reading consistently higher than 140/90mmHg.

According to WHO statistics, high blood pressure causes 62% of strokes and 48% of heart disease.

The Hypnotension Programme looks at a variety of lifestyle factors to establish which is likely to be causing or maintaining high blood pressure. These lifestyle factors are then targeted using specific cognitive and hypnotherapeutic techniques to help reduce the client’s blood pressure towards more normal levels.

There is a network of specially trained Hypnotension practitioners all over the country who can help you make the lifestyle changes which could help save your life.